Most countries that have established modern intellectual property systems need to translate research material into a tool for commercial dealings, and intellectual assets into monetary assets. 已建立起现代知识产权制度的大多数国家,都需要将研究材料转变为促进商业交易的手段,并将知识资产转变为货币资产。
Monetary fund occupied a very important position in physical assets of group enterprises. 货币资金在集团企业的实物资产中占据非常重要地位。
And the actual causes are the same as before: a flight from financial and monetary assets in favour of "concrete" investments. 而实际原因和以前一样:对金融和货币资产“稳固”投资的飞涨。
Their monopoly position has allowed them to acquire vast monetary assets that they can use to back their own agenda, he adds. 它们的垄断地位让它们获得巨大财力,它们用这些资源来推进自己的议程,芮效俭补充说。
Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in other currencies are translated into the respective functional currencies at the applicable rates of exchange in effect at the Balance sheet date. 以其它货币结算之货币资产及负债按于结算日之适用.率折算为有关之记账货币。
Accounting treatment of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies 对外币计值的货币性资产和负责的会计处理
Including SNB gold and International Monetary Fund assets, official reserves total US$ 262bn. 计入黄金以及在国际货币基金组织(IMF)的资产,瑞士央行的官方储备共计2620亿美元。
Monetary loss on noncurrent monetary assets 非流动货币资产的货币亏损
But as it is difficult to distinguish rational fluctuation of asset price from irrational ones and as it is ineffective for monetary policy instruments to adjust the price bubble of assets, it is difficult to enforce policy interference. 但政策干预由于难以区分资产价格理性和非理性波动及货币政策工具对资产泡沫调控的非有效性而无法实行;
The term "non-monetary assets" refers to the assets other than monetary assets. 非货币性资产,是指货币性资产以外的资产。
Financial assets property is by virtue of the intergra-tion of physical assets and monetary assets. 金融资产产权由实物形态产权和货币形态产权耦合而成。
From this prospective, we can see that with the full play of the role featured by market system, the monetary policy should control the assets price when assets price fluctuation exceeds the range that material economy can stand. 由此可见,市场机制充分发挥作用的同时,如果资产价格波动超过实物经济所能承受的范围时,货币政策应当对资产价格进行调控。
The price channel of monetary policy lead us adjust our assets makeup through its influence on the relative price of assets. 货币政策的价格途径是通过影响资产的相对价格来引导人们进行资产结构调整。
Monetary policy has influence upon financial assets price, especially upon stock price. When the expansion of investment causes raw material and labor price increasing, the long-term outcome of expansionary monetary policy is that both commodity price and stock price increase. 货币政策对金融资产价格(特别是股票价格)有影响,当投资的上升引起原材料和劳动力价格上涨时,扩张性货币政策的长期结果是同时引起商品物价水平和股票价格的上升;
Virtual economy is the inevitable result of the development of the relationship between commodity and money, and is the build-in attribute of monetary assets, whose characteristic mode of motion determines its important significance in modern economy and society. 虚拟经济是商品货币关系发展的必然结果,是货币性资产的固有属性,其特有的运动方式,决定了其在现代经济社会中的重要作用。
On Monetary Policy Based on Monetary Assets Prices 试析基于金融资产价格的货币政策调控
Optimal Structure and Algorithm of Monetary Assets Under Exchange Rate Risk 汇率风险下货币资产的优化组合及其算法
The physical assets and the monetary assets ( generally refering to M_1 i. e, the cash in the circulation and current deposit) are the rwo poles of the property. 实物资产和货币资产(通常指M1,即流通中的现金和银行的活期存款)位于财产链的两极。
Research on the Monetary Transmission Mechanism and Financial Assets Effects 论货币传导机制与金融资产效应
Exchange rate is determined and affected by demand and supply in foreign exchange market, current account balance, monetary policy, prices of related assets, economic base, national income, and international balance of payment, etc. 汇率的决定与外汇市场供求、经常账户平衡、央行货币政策、相关资产价格、经济基本面、国民收入及国际收支账户等有着直接的或间接的关系。
The monetary policy has three indirect ways: financial assets prices, or scale and quantity, or expect. 首先,货币政策作用于实际经济是一个间接的过程,表现为不同的传导途径:金融资产价格途径;规模与数量途径;
As the capital market of our country is not perfect, the monetary policy is unsuitable to peg to the financial assets price, but it is necessary for the central bank to pay close attention to the assets price fluctuation strictly. 由于我国资本市场并不完善,我国货币政策不宜盯住金融资产价格,但是对金融资产价格波动中央银行有必要严格关注。
This means that the monetary assets the holder will constitute the currency total quantity each kind of monetary assets to regard as will be the complete substitute. 这意味着货币资产的持有者将构成货币总量的各类货币资产看作是完全的替代品。
At present, the situation of old people in China can be summarized as poor living quality, but holding certain monetary assets. 当前,我国老年人的生活现状可以概括为住房质量较差,同时具有一定的货币资产。
And loose monetary policy will promote the growth of fixed assets investment. However, proactive fiscal policy has the crowding out effect to fixed assets investment. 其中宽松的货币政策会促进固定资产投资增长,而积极的财政政策会对固定资产投资有挤出效应。
Western economists believe the "wealth effect" and the "investment effect" can stimulate economic development, but this paper argues "preference effect of monetary assets" is another story. 西方经济学家普遍认为财富效应和投资效应可以拉动经济的发展,本文认为货币资产的偏好效应对实体经济的影响却是负面的。
In times of economic recession, as shares real estate and financial assets such as bonds yields are negative, only holders of monetary assets or short sale of financial assets is suitable. 在经济衰退时期,由于股票房地产和债券等金融资产的收益率都为负值,只能持有货币资产或对金融资产进行卖空。
So we should strengthen the international balance of payments adjustment, reduce reliance of monetary stimulation on the basis of net foreign assets, and enhance the control of monetary policy on the basis of monetary regulation. 为此,应千方百计地加强对国际收支平衡的调节,减少基础货币吞吐对净国外资产变化的依赖,增强货币政策对基础货币的控制力。
In the past two years, the Chinese commodity prices are rising obviously and the expectations of inflation are strengthening, which urge people to search for the optimal ways of investment, avoiding depreciation of the monetary assets. 近两年,我国物价上涨态势较为突出,通货膨胀预期强化,这种形势促使人们寻找最佳的途径进行投资理财,避免货币资产的贬值。
As the "wealth effect"," investment effect "and" preference effect of monetary assets "have the different influence on real economy; it is difficult to know whether the conduction of asset price to real economy is positive or negative. 由于财富效应、投资效应和货币资产的偏好效应对于经济的影响方向不同,所以资产价格对经济的传导效应取决于三种力量的大小。